For all those who stumble across this, here's some rapid-fire, deep-seated opinions of mine:
-People, in general, aren't nearly observant enough these days.
-Andy Warhol is an overrated, lazy fucking hack.
-Humanity is doomed unless nations stop thinking in the singular and start thinking in the plural.
-LOST better give me some answers before it tries shoving any more fucking questions down my throat.
-Frats are for losers.
-SEGA has lost its Sonic game-making privileges and somebody needs to TELL THEM!
-Classical Spanish guitar is amazing and underappreciated.
-Pot is demonized and should be made legal (and taxed. Goodbye deficit!)
-You know those people who say "Keep your kids away from TV"? They're absolutely right.
-There need to be more rock operas, period.
-Daoism and Deism are very compatible.
-Somebody needs to find a cure for the Female Shopper Virus, QUICKLY!
-Brown leather is sexy.
-The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts should be merged and made co-ed, like everywhere else in the world.
-Drinking ages should be banned so kids can get the stupid out of their system by age 10.
-I will love pinball until the last machine dies.
-Americans need to learn about "small portions."
-The Watchmen movie was awesome, but WAAAAAY to long in places.
-Douglas Adams will put a smile on ANYONE'S face.
-Interactive art is the way of the future.
-MYST is an fantastic series, one you Gears of War fuckers will never appreciate.
There we go. Based on that, do ya like me or hate me? I guess I'll find out.
I like the sound of your jib, boy.
Though I saw no mention of Cthulhu in that...
Okay, I just googled Cthulhu; do you mean I've got a "tongue-in-cheek shorthand" style of writing, or that I'm a horrifying time-and-space transcending monster? I can take either as a compliment. Thanks.